The year started and new goals where disclosed in one of the team I am working with. Brainstorm part-I was done and the team needs to meet again to finalize it and convert ideas in “stories”. So far, so good.
As coach, I was ask me myself what I could do to help the team to see the big picture of the first goal where the due date is in the the first quarter. After few readings, I ended in this page, and I decide to play that game in our last retrospective, I rename it “Goal Race” to adapt with my idea to help the team. At the end I respect the well defined 4 sections of this game:
- Fast team car: What have been making us move fast? (Green post-it)
- Parachute: What have been slowing us down?(Red post-it)
- Risk: What are the dangers ahead? (Yellow post-it)
- Bridge Plan: What could we build to overcome such challenges? (Blue post-it)
This is a forward thinking exercise, with an eye on the past, as the author of this game said. We spent around 30-45 min talking and adding post-it to our “Goal Race” design. Here is one resume what the team got from this activity:
- Team is able to see a big picture of the next challenger.
- Team was able to review past experiences and flag possible issues and risk related to the goal.
- Team has ideas to overcome issues and risk on the fly.
- PO has a list of point to discuss with stakeholders and show the work of the team in this game.
- PO & stakeholder have all the info and flags to do a good homework and avoid overload the team and/or overestimate expectations.
- PO has a support tool to negotiate feature/time/complexity if he needs it at any point.
Here is the final result of the game. It is already in the team’s wall:
As Coach/SM, I am so happy for the participation of the team in this activity. With this experience I am able to recommend this activity if you need to start to work in something new for few sprints (release, goals, etc). I am thinking also to include stakeholders in the future with this kind of activities. They could take advantage of the discussion generate with the full team, and the team could get show that sometimes easy goals could become big challengers.
I hope you find this experience useful and give it a tray. I am very interesting in your feedback and comments.
Thank you,
Omar Bermudez
4 Responses to “Goal Race” retrospective activity
I like it. Very simple metaphors.
Thanks for your comment John.
Well done Omar… I have used this same exercise using a similar boat metaphor… anchors instead of parachutes, rocks ahead representing risk and as we find improvements/mitigation we “cut the chains to the anchor” or “blow up” the rocks/risk ahead of us. As much of us coach tend to do, I would take the “arts and craft” time to create post-its in the shape of rock, anchors, etc… and have a huge plotter picture of a boat and try to personalize it with the team’s name and try to incorporate the team’s goal on the boat… the type of boat you use to represent the team can also be symbolic.. tug boat (slower pace, but heavy lifting) speed boat, etc… The key is to celebrate when we eliminate a rock or anchor, display the diagram in a very visible location, and continue to make it relevant… When the diagram is not useful anymore… we scrap it (haven’t had that privilege yet 🙂
Hey Darren, that exactly exercise was in my list also 🙂
I really like it. the concept and goal could be the same, as soon as I have other the opportunity, I will do it (I am working with more of one team, so I have that to play around). I took the “race” exercise because in this team I have few people like cars and tuned cars. At the end, we need to learn something, but we have to get some fun doing it. 🙂
We tried to put all in our walls, it is funny when people from other teams check what we are doing and ask for the idea/concept.
Thanks for you comment.